Intro. to Sound and Audio Assignments

Meeting Date Eric J. Heller: WYHWYH (Why You Hear What You Hear) Charles E. Speaks (English) William M. Hartmann: PMA (Principles of Musical Acoustics) Hyperphysics Other
Tuesday, April 9 2-2.2 (Loc 889-991 [use the [Menu >] Location... utility to go to an arbitrary location) Chap. 1: "Properties of the Transmitting Medium" through "Derived Physical Quantities" (E: p. 3-24; J: 1-22) Sound & Hearing > Sound Propagation: left branch
Friday, April 12 Chap. 4: Sound Intensity and Sound Pressure: The Decibel— Absolute and Relative Measures of Acoustic Power, Sound Intensity, the Decibel (p. 121-132; J: p. 111-122) Exercises 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 (questions at end of Chap. 2, with answers at end of Backmatter). Rename after your student ID (like "m5678910.pdf") and submit via Moodle. Sound & Hearing > Hearing: Ear and Hearing, The Outer Ear, The Tympanic Membrane
  • iPadOS
    • Singing Fingers HD (video)
    • Ear ID: Use two-finger drag (and zoom: unpinch & unzoom: pinch) to move graphics to side to allow room for “Show Text“ Use Structure ID to see respective parts. Check out animations and video.
    • Human Anatomy Atlas 2023 (Complete 3D Visible Body)
      • Localization via ⚙ Settings (bottom right)
        • Model: {male ♂, female ♀}
        • Reference Body: {on, off} as you like
        • Closed Captioning: On (or enable selectively in video viewer) to enable closed captioning ("CC") video subtitles in selected language.
        • Font Size: {Small, Medium, Large}
        • Language ▸ {English, Chinese (simplified), Deutsch, 日本語, Español}
      • (<⊞ Menu) (1.) Views; 表示ひょうじ > Regions; 領域 > Regional Views; 領域りょういきのビュー
        1. Head and Neck; あたま頸部けいぶ
      • (<⊞ Menu) (1.) Views; 表示ひょうじ > Systems; けい > (3.) Nervous System Views; 神経系しんけいけいのビュー
        1. Nervous System; 神経系しんけいけい
          • AR mode (bottom left)
      • (<⊞ Menu) (1.) 🧊 Views; 表示ひょうじ > (5.) Microanatomy; ミクロ解剖学かいぼうがく > Senses; 感覚かんかく器系うつわけい
        1. Ear; みみ
        2. Middle Ear; 中耳ちゅうじ
        3. Inner Ear; 内耳ないじ
        4. Cochlea; 蝸牛かたつむり
      • (<⊞ Menu) (2.) ▶️ Media; メディア> (1.) Patient Education Animations; 患者教育用かんじゃ きょういく ようアニメーション
        • (4.) Nutrition and Elimination; 栄養と排泄えいよう と はいせつ
          1. Chewing and Swallowing (33s)
          2. Nutrient Absorption; 栄養吸収えいよう きょうしゅう (43s)
        • (1.) Bones and Skeletal Muscles; 骨および骨格筋こっかっきん
          1. Sound Production; 音声おんせい発生はっせい (51s)
        • (2.) Cells and Tissues; 細胞さいぼう組織そしき
          1. Neurons; ニューロン (1:02)
        • (5.) System Overviews; けい概観がいかん
          1. Nervous System Functions; 神経系しんけいけい機能きのう (29s)
          2. Hearing; 聴覚ちょうかく (59s)
      • Enabling closed captioning ("CC") yields video subtitles in selected language.
Tuesday, April 16 Transduction; 伝達でんたつ
Friday, April 19 3.8 Power Spectra (Loc 1777) - 3.9 Periodic Functions (Loc 1808) Chap. 5: Complex Waves (E: p. 153-181, J: p. 145-170)
  • Read 8.1-8.2: Standing Waves in Pipes (Pg 76-78, Loc 1844-1894).
  • Do Problems
    • 2.8: telephone bandwidth (Pg 15, Loc 743, answer @ Loc 6026),
    • 3.9: "1+1.5" (Pg 26, Loc 930, answer @ Loc 6041), using Wolfram|Alpha (stand-alone or web-based) to help ("Plot sin(x), sin(1.5 x), sin(x) + .5 sin(1.5 x) for x = 0 to 4 pi")
Tuesday, April 23 Read Chap. 5. (Note that 'ν' [Greek lowercase nu] is used in this reading as a symbol for the speed of sound instead of the 'C' that we normally see.) Problems 10.1, 3, 4.
Friday, April 26 Read Chap. 6.: Complex Waves Read 10. Sound Intensity. Do Problems 10.5, 7, 9 (questions on page 103; answers at loc. 276)
Tuesday, April 30
Friday, May 3 No class
Wednesday, May 8 (reassigned day)
  • Compose lyrics offline, convert to kana, and use a text editor such as Notes to delete any non-kana, including spaces, commas, periods, etc.). Program a short vocal (sung) song using Yamaha Vocaloid (“iVOX-VY2” on iOS & iPadOS):
    • Push ? to see (English- or Japanese-language) help file
    • Adjust Tempo numerically or by tapping in
    • Undo/redo history mechanism as ↶/↷ operations on top bar
    • Enter lyrics
      • Tap in lyrics field and paste kana or transliteration (reduced Hepburn) into lyrics field.
      • Return to enter.
    • Program note start, pitch, duration (reduce duration to zero to delete)
    • Optional: rhythm track, reverb
    • Expression (accessed via arrow at bottom left): adjust parameters (pencil for set; erase for reset)
      • dynamics: double-sided, balanced, signed, bipolar
      • vibrato: single-sided, unbalanced, unsigned, unipolar
      • pitch bend: ±1 8ve: double-sided, balanced, signed, bipolar
    • Export as Mixdown (.wav), saved in app’s files (access Files > iVOC-YV2 to upload)
    • Utilities
  • Digital Filter: experiment with bandpass filter
  • Study for final exam.
Friday, May 10

Lab exercises

Michael Cohen
Last modified: Jan. 2023