“Twhirleds”: Twirled (Whirled) Worlds for Multimodal ‘Padiddle’ Spinning & Tethered ‘Poi’ Whirling;
「トワールドズ」(回転する世界):360度パノラマ環境に近い携帯と固定/ルームウエアー インタフェース 全体を使ったエンターテイメント
- Abstract:
The Spatial Media Group at the University of Aizu
is exploring “mobile ambient” systems featuring individualized control of public display.
Augmented virtuality scenes have been rigged to accept realtime data from distributed mobile devices.
For instance, magnetometer data from tablets, phablets, and smartphones can modulate aspects of the scene,
including virtual affordances, objects, and camera position.
“Whole body” interfaces feature “poi”- and “padiddle”-style twirling.
A unique feature of the augmented reality scenes is that the avatars are strategically ambidextrous and self-conscious,
switching hands when the virtual camera moves around in a rotation & revolution phase-locked "inspection gesture,"
preserving intuitive alignment in both tethered and mirrored displayed projection modes.
- Description (E):
Ambient media refers to a space's expressive channels, typically driven through fixed-location, public display equipment, such as computer screens, projection systems, stereo speakers, loudspeaker arrays, etc.
Mobile media, in contrast, is portable but basically personal.
"Mobile ambient" applications integrate these interaction styles,
featuring cross-scale interactivity that exploits both personal mobile devices and location-based public displays.
For particular instance, sensors on smartphones and tablets can measure orientation, which data can modulate ambient displays,
including whirling of panoramic and turnoramic images and spatial sound, as well as avatar or rigged model attributes in augmented virtuality or mixed reality scenes.
"Poi" is a performance art combining dance and juggling featuring a weight whirled at the end of a tether; “padiddling” is a playful activity
featuring spinning objects such as plates or flying discs. Mobile ambient “smart-toy” groupware applications can support and amplify poi and padiddling recreations by leveraging modern multimedia and distributed roomware, mo-cap-style software for smart spaces and reactive rooms.
- Description (J):
アンビエント メディアとは、空間を表現する方法です。コンピュータスクリーン、プロジェクター、ステレオスピーカー、複数のスピーカーなど固定されたものがあります。モバイルメディアは、対照的に小型で持ち運びが可能です。モバイルアンビエント アプリケーションは、これらを併せ持ったもので例えばスマートフォン上で動くリモートコントロールは無線でデレビを調節できます。
個人レベルのモバイル装置や、固定された公共スクリーンなど、両方を開発する “Smartoys”やゲームの開発。私達の最初の研究では、スマートフォンやタブレットのセンサーを使う事で,方向測定や周囲のディスプレイの調節ができます。それにより、空間音声、パノラマ画像、周囲の機器、アバターの調節ができ、拡張現実や複合現実を可能にさせます。
- Mobile applications
- Team
- Videos
- “Avatar Ambidexterity Allows Affordance Attitude Alignment” (currently viewable with Safari, but not Firefox)
- ““Tworlds”: Twirled Worlds for Multimodal 'Padiddle' Spinning & Tethered 'Poi' Whirling”: collateral for SIGGRAPH 2013 poster (cited below) (local archive, YouTube mirror (seemingly also directly viewable with Safari [but not Firefox])
- “Whirled Worlds: Pointing and Spinning Smartphones and Tablets to Control Multimodal Augmented Reality Displays”: collateral for HotMobile 2012 (cited below)
- ““Twin Spin”: Steering Karaoke (or anything else) with Smart Phone Wands Deployable as Spinnable Affordances”: collateral for SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (cited below)
- “Integration of a Laptop Sudden Motion Sensor as Accelerometric Control for Virtual Environments”: collateral for VRCAI demonstration (cited below)
- “Twhirleds” for iOS and Android
- “CVE”: Collaborative Virtual Environment
- Padiddle and Poi rigs: spinning and whirling control of photospherical browsing
- Motorized turn-table for automatic panning capture; 自動撮影する電動ターンテーブル
- “Schaire” Rotary Motion Platform
- “Lights, Camera, Action!”: Ambient lighting extending photospherical display
- Press Coverage
- Selected Publications
- Michael Cohen.
Integration of laptop sudden motion sensor as accelerometric control for virtual environments.
In VRCAI: Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH Int. Conf. on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, Singapore, December 2008.
ISBN 978-1-60558-335-8.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Hayato Ito, Shun Endo, Sascha Holesch, and Julián Villegas.
“Whirling interfaces: Smartphones & tablets as spinnable affordances.”
In ICAT: Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, page 155, Osaka, November 2011. Virtual Reality Society of Japan.
www.ic-at.org/2011, ISSN 1345-1278.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Hayato Ito, Shun Endo, Sascha Holesch, & Julián Villegas.
“"Twin Spin": Steering Karaoke (or anything else) with Smartphone Wands Deployable as Spinnable Affordances”,
MC2R: SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, October, 2012, 16(4):4--5.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Hayato Ito, Shun Endo, Sascha Holesch, and Julián Villegas.
“Whirled worlds: Pointing and spinning smartphones and tablets to control multimodal augmented reality displays.”
In HotMobile: Proc. Int. Wkshp. on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, San Diego, February 2012,
- Rasika Ranaweera, Michael Cohen, and Shun Endo.
“iBaton: Conducting Virtual Concerts Using Smartphones.”
In Vitaly Klyuev and Alexander Vazhenin, editors,
Proc. HCCE:
Int. Conf. on Human-Centered Computer Environments, pages 178–183, Aizu-Wakamatsu, March 2012. https://sparth.u-aizu.ac.jp/hcce2012,
ISBN 978-1-4503-1191-5, DOI 10.1145/2160749.2160786,
- Michael Cohen. "PoI Poi: Point-of-Interest Poi for Multimedia Tethered Whirling.” In ACM SIGCHI MobileHCI:
Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, San Francisco, September 2012,
Honorable Mention, Demonstration Competition.
- Rasika Ranaweera; ラシィカ アミル ラナウィラ, Michael Cohen; 公園 マイケル, Kensuke Nishimura; 西村 健亮, Yuya Sasamoto;笹本 佑哉, Yukihiro Nishikawa; 西川 幸博, Tetunobu Ohashi; 大橋 哲恒, Ryo Kanno; 菅野 諒, Tomohiro Oyama; 小山 朋浩, Anzu Nakada; 中田 杏, and Julián Villegas; ジュリアン ヴィジェガス.
Whirled Sequencing of Spatial Music.
AES (Japan Section Conf.): The Future of Multichannel Audio,
Sendai, October, 2012.
- University of Aizu Spatial Media Group;
Eyes, JAPAN;
“Whirled Worlds”: mobile ambient twirling interface;「ワールドワールドズ」(回転する地球): 360度パノラマ環境に近い携帯と固定/ルームウエアーイ ンタフェース 体全体を使ったエンターテイメント.
Digital Content(s) Expo,
Tokyo, October, 2012,
- Michael Cohen. "Whirled Worlds": Mobile ambient interfaces for "practically panoramic" whole-body entertainment.
Keynote Address, FCST: Int. Conf. on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology
Suzhou, China, November, 2012.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Kensuke Nishimura, Yuya Sasamoto, Shun
Endo, Tomohiro Oyama, Tetunobu Ohashi, Yukihiro Nishikawa, Ryo Kanno,
Anzu Nakada, Julian Villegas, Yong Ping Chen, Sascha Holesch, Jun Yamadera,
Hayato Ito, Yasuhiko Saito, and Akira Sasaki. “Tworlds”: Twirled Worlds for Multimodal 'Padiddle' Spinning & Tethered 'Poi' Whirling.
Anaheim, July, 2013.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Kensuke Nishimura, Yuya Sasamoto, Tomohiro Oyama, Tetunobu Ohashi, Anzu Nakada, Julián Villegas, Yong Ping Chen, Sascha Holesch, Jun Yamadera, Hayato Ito, Yasuhiko Saito, & Akira Sasaki. Twirled Affordances, Self-Conscious Avatars, & Inspection Gestures. Poster Demonstration. In Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, Hong Kong, November 2013.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Kensuke Nishimura, Yuya Sasamoto, Tomohiro Oyama, Tetunobu Ohashi, Anzu Nakada, Julián Villegas, Yong Ping Chen, Sascha Holesch, Jun Yamadera, Hayato Ito, Yasuhiko Saito, & Akira Sasaki. Augmented Virtuality Twirling. Poster Demonstration. In Proc. ICAT: Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Tokyo, December 2013.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Bektur Ryskeldiev, Tomohiro Oyama, Aya Hashimoto, Naoki Tsukida, & Toshimune Miyaji. Mixed virtuality transducer: virtual camera relative location displayed as ambient light. Poster Demonstration. In SIGGRAPH Asia Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, Shenzhen, China, December 2014. DOI 10.1145/2669062.2684185.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Bektur Ryskeldiev, Tomohiro Oyama, Aya Hashimoto, Naoki Tsukida, & Toshimune Miyaji. Multimodal mobile-ambient transmedial twirling with environmental lighting to complement fluid perspective with phase-perturbed affordance projection. Paper presentation. In SIGGRAPH Asia Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, Shenzhen, China, December 2014. DOI 10.1145/2669062.2669080.
- Michael Cohen and Tomohiro Oyama. Exocentric Rendering of &lquo;Reality Distortion User Interface to Illustrate Egocentric Reprojection. In Proc. SUI: Symp. on Spatial User Interaction, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC7cNSB1ZWE, Los Angeles, August 2015. Poster demonstration. DOI: 10.1145/2788940.2794357.
- Michael Cohen, Tomohiro Oyama, and Naoki Tsukida. Exocentric Visualization of “Reality Distortion” Interface to Interpret Egocentric Reprojection Perspective,
by In: Proc. ICAT-EGVE: Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and the Eurographics Symp. on Virtual Environments.
Ed. by M. Imura, P. Figuroa, and B. Mohler. Demonstration. Kyoto, Oct. 2015.
- Bektur Ryskeldiev, Michael Cohen, and Julián Villegas. Rendering spatial audio through dynamically reconfigurable smartphone loudspeaker arrays,
In: Proc. VRCAI: Int. Conf. on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry.
Poster. Kobe, Oct. 2015.
- Naoki Tsukida, Bektur Ryskeldiev, and Michael Cohen. “Lights, Camera, Action!”: ambient lighting extending photospherical display,
In: Proc. VRCAI: Int. Conf. on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, Demonstration. Kobe, Oct. 2015.
- Michael Cohen, Yousuke Nagayama, and Bektur Ryskeldiev. Metering "Black Holes": Networking Stand-Alone Applications for Distributed Multimodal Synchronization,
In: Proc. ICMI: ACM Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction. Tokyo, June 2016.
DOI: 10.1145/2993148.2998530.
- Michael Cohen. Demo: Smartphone Rigging with GUI Control Emulation for Freeware Rapid Prototyping of Mixed Virtuality Scenes.
In: MGIA: Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications. Macao, Dec. 2016. isbn: 978-1-4503-4551-4/16/12.
DOI: 10.1145/2999508.2999511.
- Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Bektur Ryskeldiev, Tomohiro Oyama, and Aya Hashimoto. “Twhirleds“: Spun and whirled affordances controlling multimodal mobile-ambient environments with reality distortion and synchronized lighting to preserve intuitive alignment. In: ScPA: Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices 3.5 (Sept. 2017). Ed. by David Philip Lane and Samuel Ken-En Gan, pp. 1–20. issn: 2364-4958. DOI: 10.1186/s41070-017-0017-x.
- Industrial Partners
- Contact
Prof. Michael Cohen
Spatial Media Group
Computer Arts Lab.
University of Aizu
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima 965-8580
福島県 会津若松市会津若松市
会津 大学
スペチル メディア グループ
公園 マイケル 教授