Operating Systems: 2nd Semester, 2016

Course No.F06 (Section C5)
Instructor: Dr. Hitoshi Oi
(Assistant Professor, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Group.)
office: 242-C
office hours: Tuesday 1400 to 1600 or by appointment
email: hitoshi©u-aizu.ac.jp
phone: 2580
Course Web Page: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~hitoshi/COURSES/OS/
Lecture Wed, 0900 to 1030 at M4 (Lecture Hall 204)
Exercise Wed, 1040 to 1440 at std2 (Research Quadrangles 146)
*For the scheduling efficiency or convenience, Lecture and Exercise classes may be swapped.
Course Assistant Yasushi Nagao
email: os16ta©oslab.biz

Course Syllabus

The course syllabus is at this link. Please note that the content of this syllabus may be altered.

Course Overview Slides

The course overview slides are here .
Hitoshi Oi