Advanced Operating Systems

Syllabus and Prerequites

If you are interested in taking this course, please read the prerequisite in the syllabus and check if you satisfy these requirements. If not, please contact the instructor and also take appropriate course(s), such as undergrad operating systems beforehand. It is advised that taking a course without reading the syllabus, (or just filling the empty slots of your course schedule, like a puzzle) is not a good idea and is likely to lead to an unfavorable result.

Required Textbook

Recently, the 5th edition of the textbook ( Modern Operating Systems) has been published. However, its availability is still limited (especially for the customers in Japan), and we continue to use the 4th edition as the (required) textbook of this course. We may use part of the 5th edition (for example a chapter or a section) during the course, which the instructor will provide to the students. Also, we have been using the Global Edition (in a plain English, it is a papeback version) of the book for its cheaper price than the hardcover. However, an alternative, International Softcover Edition is available and actually is cheaper than the Global Edition. Please note that the instuctor is not affiliated with Amazon or the seller of this edition and will not receive any benefit if any student of this course purchases it.

Advanced Operating Systems is one of core courses in the graduate program at the University of Aizu, to be offered from the 3rd quarter of AY2013
Course No. SYC07
Instructors: Dr. Hitoshi Oi (Course Coordinator)
(Assistant Professor, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Group.)
office: 242-C
office hours: by appointment only
email: hitoshi©
phone: 2580

Prof. Kazuya Matsumoto

Course Web Page:
Class Meeting and Classroom TBD
Course Assistant TBD (if available)

Tentative Syllabus

Course Notice Board

We have replaced the notice board with Google Classroom (which is also used for file sharing and assignment submissions). The instructor will provide the registered students the account and course registration information directly.

Hitoshi Oi