March 15, 2018

No.15 Feb & Mar issue was published.

No15 SGU KAWARABAN Feb&Mar 2018.pdf


<Discovering and Educating of Talented Students>

"Honors Program" contains "Unique Talent Discovery Program". This program is to discover and educate the students with talent in a certain field under instruction of a professor(s). If you know such students you can recommend, please contact us.

~Provisions and Advantages for Honors Program Students~

1. Certificated students (S1/S2 students)

Students who fulfill at least one of the following provisions

(1) Students who obtained the Challenger Badges

(2) Students who participated in at least two of the following activities;

a. Special Basic Lectures (for at least two courses)

b. Study abroad program (for one month or longer)

c. Overseas Internship Program

(3) Students recommended by faculty members

2. Supportive Measures (Advantages); Students are able to

(1) get assigned to a GT supervisor at an early stage

(2) take Honors Special Courses (*)

(3) receive subsidy for Honors Activity

(4) replace the requirement of a graduation thesis

* Honors Special Courses

These courses are for Honors Program Students with unique talents (S2/S3 students). The courses will be offered in a small group including one-to-one instruction between a professor and a student. In these courses, the students (or their supervisors) set their original theme and accomplish achievements with their supervisors. The trial of the courses will start in AY2018.