History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences(※1) published online on July 21, 2023 a paper by AMITANI Yuichi, Senior Associate Professor(※2) at the University of Aizu, titled "Finding value-ladenness in evolutionary psychology: Examining Nelson's arguments"
This paper discusses a long-standing debate among philosophers and scientists regarding whether scientific hypotheses and theories, both in general and specifically within evolutionary psychology, are value-laden. Scientists, specifically in the field of evolutionary psychology, commonly believe that their hypotheses and theories are free of any value judgments, while critics argue differently. In this paper, Professor Amitani addresses the arguments presented against evolutionary psychologists on this topic, notably by the prominent feminist science critic, Professor Lynn Hankinson Nelson.

<Details of the paper>
Name of Journal : History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Authors : AMITANI Yuichi (Center for Cultural Research and Studies, UoA)
Title : Finding value-ladenness in evolutionary psychology: Examining Nelson's arguments.
Date of publication : July 21, 2023
Link to paper : https://rdcu.be/dhrzc

(※1) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

(※2) Senior Associate Professor AMITANI Yuichi