A hackathon "GovHack Aizuwakamatsu City" utilizing "LINE @" held all over the country co-sponsored by OpenAppLab was held in Aizuwakamatsu City on January 19th and 20th, 2018.
In this hackathon, Mr. Nozomu Morimoto, a second-year undergraduate student, created "Get Money from the Municipality," which won the "GovHack Aizuwakamatsu City Prize" and The team "skymth" (Yusuke Soeda, a second-year undergraduate student, and Sanshiro Hirahara, a third-year undergraduate student) won the "Accenture Award" for their work "Virtual Dinner Date peco", and the "Accenture Award" was given to the team.Team "Aiko Tovar" (Associate Professor Yasufumi Fujii and two others) won the "Aizuwakamatsu Mayor's Award" for their "Aiko Tovar".