At last month's 20th Int. Conf. on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM *1) in Hong Kong, Prof. Michael Cohen (*2) of the Spatial Media Group in the Computer Arts Lab. (*3) won the "Best Paper" awards for both the "Information Visualization" track and also overall for his submission "From Killing Trees to Executing Bits: A Survey of Computer-Enabled Reading Enhancements for Evolving Literacy." (*4)

VSMM is a premier world forum for the presentation of research on 3D acquisition, multimedia visualization, interaction technologies and their applications.Known for its multidisciplinary approach, VSMM has become a bridge between technology, art, history, science and engineering.

The "Best Paper" award was sponsored by Autodesk (*5), who donated software and books to the winners. The Awards were presented by VSMM 2014 Co-Chairs Prof. Harold Thwaites & Prof. Jeffrey Shaw.

Prof. Cohen (center)

*1 VSMM 2014
*2 Prof. Michael Cohen
*3 Computer Arts Lab.
*4 VSMM 2014 Awards
*5 Autodesk