Agreements with Two Taiwanese Universities

[Last Update] 2009-12-28

2 universities in Taiwan newly became the University of Aizu international partners. During a visit to Taiwan by President Tsunoyama and Assistant Professor Guo, the Performance Evaluation Laboratory, they visited Chaoyang University of Technology (CYUT) in Taichung County on Thursday, November 19, and National Chi Nan University (NCNU) in Nantou County on Friday, November 20.
CYUT and the Universitie of Aizu reached an agreement to conclude a memorandum of understanding on implementation of Dual Degree Program (DDP) between these universities. The memorandum was signed by President Tsunoyama of the University and Vice-President Chih-Hung Chiang of CYUT at the ceremony started at 2:30 p.m. CYUT is the first DDP partner in Taiwan, and this was the 9th university to conclude an agreement on DDP with the University. Selection of students and other necessary preparations to accept CYUT students under DDP will be proceeded.
On the following day of the visit to CYUT, they visited NCNU to discuss mutual exchanges of information and students regarding advanced education and scientific research conducted at both universities. They achieved an agreement to promote the items discussed and concluded a general agreement signed by President Tsunoyama and President Her-Jiun Sheu of NCNU at the ceremony started at 11:00 a.m. with a reception that followed.
Assistant Professor Guo from the University of Aizu, Professor Hung-Yu Chien (Chair of Department of Information Management of NCNU) and Professor Peng-Yen Yin (Dean of Research and Development, Department of Information Management of NCNU) will play primary roles regarding the exchanges. Mutual dispatch of students and other concrete actions related to the further exchange will be considered.

Signing of Agreement with NCNU (President Her-Jiun Sheu of NCNU on the right and President Tsunoyama of the University)

Commemorative Photo at NCNU

Conclusion of Memorandum on DDP with CYUT (Vice-President Chih-Hung Chiang of CYUT on the left and President Tsunoyama of the University

Commemorative Photo at CYUT