Visit to the University by Ambassador of Rwanda

[Last Update] 2009-12-28


The University of Aizu welcomed a visit from Ambassador Antoine Munyakazi Juru of the Republic of Rwanda on Tuesday, December 15. His focus on this visit was to inspect the University as the first university in Japan to specialize in computer education and research, and to seek advice from our faculty members for enhancement of science and engineering education in Rwanda. After greeting to President Tsunoyama, Ambassador attended a meeting to exchange opinions with our faculty members; Professor Mirenkov (Vice-President), Regent Iwase (Director of the Center for Strategy of International Programs), Professor Orr (Director of the Center for Language Research) and Associate Professor Hamada from Egypt. Ambassador expressed an interest in uniqueness of the University and the situation of students from abroad, and actively asked questions by taking notes. Ambassador especially deepened his understanding of its internationality.

Ambassador Juru (on the right)

A scene from the meeting