On Friday, March 6, 2015, the UoA announced a total of 211 successful applicants to general selection for AY 2015 admissions to its Undergraduate School of Computer Science and Engineering. The selection results were posted on the UoA bulletin board on campus and on its website.

Blessed with good weather, many people visited the campus to look at the results. One of the successful applicants, Mr. Ryota Ito said; "I have studied very hard for one year following my failure last year. I felt like I did well on the exam this year. I am so glad my efforts were rewarded. I will study CG programming at the UoA." He shared his happiness with his friend, a UoA student, shaking hands.

A total of 786 applicants took the entrance examination on Wednesday, February 25, 2015.
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Applicants taking a look at the selection results on campus (left), Mr. Ito being congratulated by his friend on his success (right)