Shinjiro Koizumi, Parliamentary Secretary in Charge of Tohoku Recovery, Visits the University of Aizu

On Monday, August 4, 2014, Shinjiro Koizumi, the parliamentary secretary in charge of Tohoku's recovery, visited the University of Aizu.

After giving a speech at the "Platium Mirai-Jinzai Ikuseijuku @ Aizu" (*1) being held on the UoA campus, Koizumi exchanged opinions with UoA President Oka and others and then viewed the model of Asteroid Itokawa (*2), the rice paddy weeding robot being developed by the laboratory of Senior Associate Professor Naruse (*3), the computer exercise rooms (*4), the construction site of LICTiA (*5), which is scheduled to start service next fiscal year, and other sights on campus.

Parliamentary Secretary Koizumi receives an explanation on the rice paddy weeding robot (left), President Oka (left) and Parliamentary Secretary Koizumi (right) visit the LICTiA construction site

*1 Platinum Mirai-Jinzai Ikuseijuku @ Aizu ("School for Developing Platinum Future Talent")
*2 Model of Asteroid Itokawa
The University of Aizu, together with JAXA, created a three-dimensional model of the Asteroid Itokawa using computer recreations of the shape and surface based on photographs taken by the Hayabusa probe during its survey mission to the asteroid.
Reference: Appreciation for "Hayabusa" Support
*3 Rice paddy weeding robot being developed by the laboratory Senior Associate Professor Naruse
Senior Associate Professor Naruse is involved in research into the development and application of a "highly efficient," "low cost," and "safe" agricultural robot system with cooperation by local companies.
*4 Computer Exercise Rooms
Computer exercise rooms are located in the Research Quadrangles and Lecture Hall, and Computer Exercise Room 1 is freely available to UoA students 24/7.
Reference: Computer Environement
*5 Laboratory for leading-edge ICT in AIZU
The University of Aizu Revitalization Center is constructing the Laboratory for leading-edge ICT in AIZU, a new facility that will serve as the center's new base of operations.
Aiming to attract ICT companies, it will be involved in the training of ICT specialists who will create new business and attract companies.