The Master's thesis presentation meeting was held on February 19 and 20, 2015, and the graduation thesis presentation meeting was held on February 6, 17 and 18.

Around 200 students graduating this March participated in the Graduation thesis presentation meeting. Graduation thesis is the culmination of a bachelor degree program in which students research a topic they are interested in based on expertise knowledge and skills in the field of computer science and engineering they had acquired at the University. Each of the students selected their research theme after assignment to graduation thesis supervisors. The students worked on their research thesis based on the knowledge they had learned at the University, while receiving advices on research methods and thesis paper writing from their graduation thesis supervisor.

A total of 56 Master's students from the Graduate Department of Computer and Information System participated in the Master's thesis presentation meeting. The Master's students presented research achievements on the in-depth technical expertise they gained in their program. Some of them have already published journal papers or presented their papers at scientific conferences.
Although students from the Graduate Department of Information Technology and Project Management are required to engage in team-based software development and submit a technical report instead of completing a Master's thesis, some teams presented the research achievements they will present at international conferences next month.

At UoA, students are required to write, present and discuss their graduation or Master's thesis in English at presentation meetings in an effort to develop their technical English proficiency. Thesis papers are evaluated comprehensively on a number of areas, including the difficulty level of the theme, the quality of the final paper, and students' attitudes during the research process.
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