Prayer for Safe Construction and Groundbreaking Ceremonies held at UoA LICTiA Construction Site

On June 13, 2014, a "prayer for safe construction" ceremony and groundbreaking ceremony were held respectively at the UoA LICTiA construction site. UoA LICTiA will be constructed as a core facility for empirical research in leading-edge ICT in Fukushima Prefecture.

Following the ceremony to pray for safe construction, the groundbreaking ceremony took place. Ryuichi Oka, the Chairperson of the Board of Executives and the University President greeted the participants and guests in the ceremony by stating; "We will make good use of this facility and enhance the cooperative relations with other research hubs and companies in the ICT industry in order to contribute to the promotion of the prefecture's industry and the stability of prefectural citizens'' lives, keeping in mind that taking part in the post-disaster recovery is one of our missions. Your further support and cooperation would be greatly appreciated." Then, guests including Governor of Fukushima Prefecture Yuhei Sato, Councilor for the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry (METI) Hiroyuki Yasunaga each gave a congratulatory address.

The construction of UoA LICTiA will proceed with the goal of starting service in early FY 2015.

Councilor Yasunaga for METI, Governor Sato and Chairperson Oka at the ceremony from left to right

President Oka, making a speech at the ceremony (left), Guests, making a congratulatory address; Governor Sato (upper left), Councilor Yasunaga for METI (upper right), Chair Hiraide of the Prefectural Assembly (lower left) and Mayer Muroi of Aizuwakamatsu City (lower right)