
On Monday, October 6, 2014, 21 university students from the Lao People's Democratic Republic (*1) visited the University of Aizu and enjoyed a campus tour and cultural exchange with UoA students. They had stayed in Aizuwakamatsu on study tour around Japan through the JENESLYS 2.0 Program.(*2) This is an exchange program subsidized by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for young people from different countries to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture.

Following their campus tour, Vice-president Shigaku Tei (*3) greeted the students. In his greeting, Vice-president Tei mentioned the UoA's acceptance for the Top Global University Project (*4) subsidized by the MEXT. He also invited them to the UoA, stating, "Students from many different countries are studying at our graduate school. We currently have one student from Laos. I really would like you to join our university as students."

The Laotian students performed a Laotian traditional dance. The graceful choreography of their dance in beautiful traditional consume was met with great applause by UoA students and faculty members. Following that, Assistant Professor Tatsuki Kawaguchi (*5) gave an explanation on the UoA, which the Laotian students listened to attentively.

After that, the Laotian students and UoA students enjoyed games and conversation. The Laotian students seemed to be inspired by their visit to the UoA. Some of them expressed their feelings as follows; "I am very impressed with the facilities of this Japanese university." "I would like to come to study in Japan in the future." After deepening exchanges with people from the UoA over lunch at the cafeteria, the Laotian students handed their presents with a smile to UoA students and left the UoA. They seemed to be satisfied with the short but significant time spent at the UoA.

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The Laotian students on campus tour (left), Vice-president Shigaku Tei (right)

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The Laotian students performing a dance with graceful movements (left), The Laotian students posing for a picture (right)

*1 Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos):
located in the East South Asia. One student from Laos is currently enrolled at the UoA graduate school.
*2 JENESLYS 2.0:
JENESYS2.0 ("Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths")-a large scale exchange program for young people promoted by the Japanese government that are intended to create a firm bridge between Japan and other countries/regions in Asia, Oceania and North America.
*3 Professor Shigaku Tei, the Vice-president
*4 Top Global University Project:
The Top Global University Project aims to bolster the international competitiveness of Japanese higher education by providing priority support to universities dedicated to thorough internationalization through collaboration with outstanding universities overseas and university reform. There are following two categories: Top University Category (Type A), targeted for top universities that provide the highest level of research and education; and Globalization Driver Category (Type B), for universities which lead the internationalization of Japanese higher education.
Link: UoA selected to receive funding from the "Top Global University Project"
*5 Assistant Professor Tatsuki Kawaguchi