
On Saturday, October 11, 2014, eight members of the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (*1) Wind Ensemble came to our university for a joint concert with the University of Aizu Wind Ensemble (*2). 

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies is one of our collaboration partner universities, and both bands have had continuing exchanges. This was their first visit to our university and was their first concert here.

Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Wind Ensemble members joined the 2nd stage of the University of Aizu Wind Ensemble Regular Concert, and jointly played music including a medley from the movie, "Frozen," and songs from "Treasure Island."

Their spirited and swinging performance received a lot of applause from the audience. After the concert, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies students met with our President Oka (*3) and had a conversation about their studies.

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※1 Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Wind Ensemble
※2 University of Aizu Wind Ensemble
※3 University of Aizu President Oka