The "Computer Science Summer Camp @ The University of Aizu 2014" (*1) was held from Tuesday, August 19, 2014. This year was the 18th edition of the summer camp, and was attended by 69 junior and senior high school students from around the country. Instructed by UoA students, participants enjoyed learning programming in one of three courses (puzzle/game programming, Java programming, and 3D computer graphics). Students also enjoyed deep mutual exchanges through extracurricular activities at their accommodations. After the three-night, four-day program, the closing ceremony was held on the 22nd (Friday) at the University of Aizu.

At the closing ceremony, Associate Professor Yohei Nishidate (*2) presented representatives of each course with a certificate of completion.
Giving participants encouragement for their futures, Professor Nishidate said "I am looking forward to seeing you at this camp next year, or as University of Aizu students." Speaking about the significance of participating multiple times, and the sense of achievement that comes with it, one third-year participant commented "I was finally able to achieve my long-term goal this time. The sense of achievement is very satisfying." Among the instructors were former camp participants who found themselves in the position of a teacher after being admitted to the UoA.

For more information, visit the Aizu Computer Science School Executive Committee homepage and Facebook (*3) page.

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Camp participants with their game-faces on.

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You can't learn on an empty stomach (Left), Participant painting a commemorative plate (Right)

*1 Computer Science Summer Camp @ UoA 2014:
Computer Science Summer Camp is a summer camp where junior and senior high school students can enjoy learning about game programming, 3D computer graphics, and other aspects of computer science at one of the only dedicated computer science universities in Japan.
*2 Associate Professor Yohei Nishidate:
This year's camp representative, Professor Nishidate belongs to the Computer Graphics Laboratory.
*3 Aizu Computer Science School Executive Committee homepage and Facebook page:
Link:Executive Committee Homepage