New CSIP Office, a Gateway to the World

[Last Update] 2010-06-03

The Center for Strategy of International Programs (CSIP) was relocated to a shared space with the Lounge for International Exchange. Students and faculty members of the University are free to visit the lounge to obtain and use information on various international exchanges at this space. They can access information on 47 international partner universities in 14 countries and can also obtain a wealth of information on matters relevant to international students such as immigration matters, life in Japan, and upcoming intercultural events in the local communities. Two PCs are also available for Internet access.CSIP is a core organization of the University to support internationalization. CSIP also supports students' overseas study programs and provides information from the University for global PR.

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The Lounge for International Exchange (left), international students enjoy talking with faculty members at the lounge


Location Room #127, 1st floor of the Research Quadrangles
Open hours 9:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m., Monday - Friday