Cool Earth Day 2009 in the University of Aizu


The "Cool Earth Day 2009 in the University of Aizu" was held along with the "Lights-Down Campaign" sponsored by the Government of Japan at the University-Business Innovation Center (UBIC) on Tuesday, July 7, starting from 6 p.m..
The event was organized centering around Professor Haruo Terasaka, the Research Center for Advanced Information Science and Technology (CAIST) in cooperation with Non-Profitable Organization Environmental Conservation Association Aizu (ECA). Approximately 50 people from both inside and outside the campus participated in this event at the University. Participants attended a lecture offered by Ms. Shinobu Adachi, ECA regarding CO2 reduction and the "Light-Down Campaign" as well as the lecture given by Mr. Tadatoshi Goto, a vice-chairperson of ECA, titled "Urgency of Global Warming and CO2 Reduction." They also had an opportunity to make "Eco Candles," made from waste cooking oil.
After viewing high-definition images of the moon and earth taken from KAGUYA in the UBIC, participants moved to outside to start counting down for the lights to be turned off on campus. When lights were turned off, the participants burst into applause. Participants asked many questions during lectures and gazed dim light of candles which they made. This was a great opportunity for participants to think about the environment.

Making candles


Lights off countdown