The University of Aizu Academic-Industry Collaboration Forum, "Intellectual Property Seminar" was held

AY 2009 the University of Aizu Academic-Industry Collaboration Forum was held on July 9, 2009, on the theme, "Intellectual Property Seminar; tips for taking patent from every-day ideas". Adjunct Professor and Intellectual Property Advisor Akihiko Shigeta introduced various ways of thinking. Taking an example of mobile phones, participants learned how to write down as many ideas as possible, using sticky notes, and reviewed their ideas. They exchanged ideas each other, such as "what functions would be more useful mobile phones", "what would be nice thing can be done with/by mobile phones" and "what we should do using mobile phones" and discussed how these ideas to be put into practical use.

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Lecturer Shigeta, Adjunct Professor (Left) and participants writing down their ideas