CAIST Advisory Board Meeting for 2014 held

On April 12, the annual meeting of the advisory board of the Research Center for Advanced Information Science and Technology (CAIST) was held, at which faculty members from each CAIST cluster presented the results of their research activities.

At this year's meeting, external members Junichi Watanabe, Vice Director of the National Astronomic Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), Honorary Professor Kuninori Uesugi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and Toshio Yamagata, Director of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Application Lab attended along with four internal members including Vice President Shigaku Tei.

This fiscal year is the fifth anniversary of the founding of CAIST in 2009.
In regards to last fiscal year's activities, ARC-Space was praised for progress made in its preparations before this winter's Hayabusa 2 launch, its development of the "Gekko" lunar surface continuous spectrophotometry data viewer which will be responsible for part of the function of the Planetary Data Center (*1), its participation in the planning of the MARS2020 Martian biology survey microscope proposal, and for its multiple regional contributions, such as its outside lectures, etc.
ARC-Environment created a map based on AMeDAS rainfall data, and conducted rainfall analysis jointly with JAMSTEC.
ARC-Medical made achievements in the non-linear system theory in the time-lapse microscopy of living cells and the image analysis of living cells and the human brain. During each of the cluster's presentations on their respective research, committee members commented on their desire that each cluster could work closer together and achieve even greater results.

"A Comprehensive Research Program for the Empirical Clarification of the Precursor Environment for Life in the Solar System," Plan #104, Academic Area #24-2 of the Science Council of Japan Proposal "The Master Plan of Large Research Projects for 2014" contains a proposal that the Planetary Data Center be installed at the UoA.
(Master Plan)
(Plan #104)