Mr. Barret, the former Site Director for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, visited the UoA

On Monday, May 26, 2014, Mr. Lake Barret, who served as the Site Director at the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power plant after the accident for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, visited the UoA along with his family to join "Let's Talk about our Energy Future ? a Forum with the Barret Family and Students for Finding the Next Step -" organized by the "Young Women Thought Leaders Forum to Create the Future."

In the first half of the forum, inaugural UoA President Tosiyasu Kunii said that it is important to have the young generation and women participate in discussions about the ideal future of society.
In the second half, Mr. Barret, based on his experience during the TMI accident, the subsequent decontamination, and the eventual restarting of the reactors, spoke on the importance of applying the lessons learned after TMI and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accidents when selecting energy sources for the future.

After the forum, the Barrets, UoA students and faculty members had a luncheon and exchanged their opinions in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.