UoA student Ms. Yurika Hashimoto (4th-year undergraduate) won the FY2014 Best Paper Award for Young Researcher at the Tohoku Chapter of the Acoustic Society of Japan (*1). This award shall be given to excellent young presenters at the research presentation in order to contribute to enlighten young researchers and nurture talented researchers.

Ms. Hashimoto commented on the award; "I'm really honored to receive such a great award, the Best Paper Award for Young Researcher. Professor Wilson and other faculty members encouraged me with their cheerful instruction and helped me reach this. I will continue to work hard with this encouragement."

Her instructor Professor Ian Wilson (*2) had a congratulatory comment for her; "Ms. Hashimoto worked hard on this research and presented it in English at the 2014 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers (ECEI-TSJC *3) in Yonezawa last August. Then in December, after revising and refining her research, she presented it at the Speech Science and Technology Conference (SST 2014 *4) in Christchurch, New Zealand. Her presentation style is very professional and she was able to answer all questions well in English. I congratulate her and wish her well in her upcoming employment."

Ms. Hashimoto (left) and Prof. Wilson (right)

*1 The Acoustic Society of Japan
*2 Professor Ian Wilson
*3 2014 Tohoku-Section Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers
*4 SST 2014