"Venture Start-up Factory 5" Announced as Winner of Title for "Aizu-launched IT"

[Last Update] 2010-02-12

aizuit2009-1Aizuwakamatsu City announced winners for the "Aizu-launched IT" (information technologies locally developed in Aizu) for FY 2010. "Generation System of Cam Motion Curve" developed by "Venture Start-up Factory 5", an "Aizu IT Nisshinkan" project was selected for an intensive award. The "Aizu IT Nisshinkan" project is an education program that the University launched in AY 2007.
Since 2004, Aizuwakamatsu City has annually certified the particularly commendable technologies and business models using IT newly developed by universities and companies within the City. The certified technologies and models have been introduced into municipal services as great potentials, and the City has proactively offered information about them in and around the City. This technology was highly evalued in terms of collaboration between the University and local business, as well as the technology itself.
Associate Professor Jung-pil Shin instructing a Venture Start-up Factory, Ms. Yuka Fujihira (4th-year), Mr. Ryo Ueno (3rd-year) and others involved in the development attended a conferment ceremony held at Aizuwakamatsu City Hall on Wednesday, January 20, and received a certification of the title from Mayor Ichiro Kanno with his words of encouragement.

Reason to be chosen for the title
This system, "Generation System of Cam Motion Curve," which was developed in the deep cooperation between local companies and the "Aizu IT Nisshinkan" project of the University, is an icon of university-industry collaboration. The method for vector analysis of cam mechanism enables to accumulate and use knowledge and experience of professionals in the Japanese industry through information technologies, and the system is expected to ensure social contributions and marketability in the future. This project was certified for the Intensive Award of the "Aizu-launched IT" this time, as these technologies were generated as a part of the human resource development project of the University of Aizu and realized the collaboration between the University and local communities.
