On Saturday, October 18, 2014, 1st-year students from Aizu Senior High School (*1) attended the annual "University of Aizu Lecture."
The lectures aims at providing an opportunity for 1st-year Aizu SHS students to experience many different parts of the university's research in order to increase students' interest in academic research, motivate them about their future path, and get them to think about the purpose of a university education.

Ten lecturers participated in this year's program, with three lecturers from the UoA, and a further seven from Fukushima University (*2), Niigata University (*3), Fukushima Medical University (*4), and Tohoku University (*5). Each student chooses two lectures from a total of seven in a wide range of topics including medicine, psychology, robotics, economics, agriculture, etc. The lectures and hands-on exercises, on English pronunciation, measuring blood sugar, and other experiences not provided by regular high school classes seemed to stimulate the students.

After the lectures, the 200-strong students ate lunch at the UoA cafeteria, capping off a full day.

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*1 Aizu Senior High School
*2 Fukushima University
*3 Niigata University
*4 Fukushima Medical University
*5 Tohoku University