On December 13, 2014, 4th-year UoA student Mr. Keisuke Kato was selected for the 2014 JASSO (*1) Award of Excellence (Scientific Category). The JASSO awards include the grand prize, award of excellence and encouragement prize in the four categories: science, culture and the arts, sports, and social contribution.

Utilizing funds donated by many people, JASSO rewards students for their outstanding accomplishments in various fields, including science, culture and the arts, sports, and social contribution, in spite of their financial difficulties. The aim is to encourage and support such students and to contribute nurture promising talents who will take a key role in the 21st century. Mr. Kato's achievements were highly appreciated and he was selected for the award from among 24 applications in the scientific category in this year.

In 2011 AY, when Mr. Kato was a first year student, the focus of his research was on the cloud application technologies. He studied tools useful for novices in programming. The findings were reported at the XLIII International Conference on Control Processes and Stability, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia and published in the conference proceedings.

In 2013 AY, he investigated problems related to password security and computer privacy. Results of the study were presented at the 7th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems, Berlin, Germany. They are published in the conference proceedings. He continued to work on this topic and new findings were published in the International Journal of Computing.

In 2014 AY, Mr. Kato presented new results in computer security at the 9^th IEEE International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, London, UK. The conference organizers recommended Mr. Kato paper for publication in the academic journal.

Mr. Kato's comment:
"I am really honored to win such a prestigious award. I owe this award to all people who gave me earnest advice and instruction. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude especially to my research supervisor, Professor Klyuev (*2), and to the Aizu Zaidan and the UoA Supporters' Association for the academic support and financial support for my participation in international scientific conferences. I plan on working hard to achieve my future goals. "
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Mr. Kato at the commendation ceremony, which only recipients of the grand prize and award of excellence in the four categories were invited to.
Photographs copyright: JASSO (Japan Students Services Organization)

*1 JASSO (Japan Students Services Organization)
*2 Professor Vitaly Klyuev