Thanh V. Pham, supervised and recommended by Professor Anh T. Pham (※1) of the Computer Communications Laboratory (CCL), won the IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award 2017 (※2). The award is targeted to students in Tohoku region with excellent achievements in research areas covered the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). Every year, a maximum of three students are selected for this distinguished award.
In addition to the Excellent Research Award, Thanh is also selected to become a research fellows for FY 2018 under the fellowship program for young scientists offered by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). The JSPS research fellowship for young scientists aims to foster and ensure young researchers who will play important roles in future scientific research activities, and JSPS provides a monthly stipend to help these researchers devote themselves to conducting research (※3). The fellowship will be awarded to Thanh Pham for a period of 2 years starting in April, 2018.
<Comment from Thanh V. Pham>
It is my great honor to be one of the recipients of the award as well as the JSPS fellowship this year. These recognitions are very encouraging for me to continue my PhD study at the UoA. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. PHAM Tuan Anh for his continuous guidance and supervision. I also thank all staff members of the UoA who have been helping me a lot during my study here.