On January 16, 2019, the award ceremony for the Aizuwakamatsu City-sponsored "Made-in-Aizu IT Certification"(※1) award for fiscal year 2018 was held at UBIC.
The University of Aizu student Fumito Haga's (3rd year undergraduate) "SmartAgri Connecting Agriculture and IT" was selected for the Encouragement Award. 
The award certifies the fruits of such excellence in the field of IT as being "home-grown Aizu technology."

Mr. Haga is a student participating in the Open App Lab.(※2)





Encouragement Prize <Technical Division>
Haga Fumito (Aizu University) "SmartAgri connecting agriculture and IT"
"Dystem Management System for Snow Removal Operations" SNOW.AM ""
Aizu Lab Co., Ltd. "Development of animal coloring AR application"
FaBo Co., Ltd. "AI Speaker Development Kit" Denbun ""
Encouragement Prize <Business Model Division>
Eyes, JAPAN Co., Ltd. "Cancer risk detection and consultation recommendation service using saliva using AI"