14, May 2021

Dear All students,

Chairperson of the Board of Executives,

Regarding the extension of online teaching period

Based on the policy established by the prefectural government of asking all the residents of the prefecture to refrain from going out of the house unnecessarily until May 31 as a measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, we have decided to extend the current online teaching period until Tuesday, 1 June, the end of the first quarter.

Online teaching period:

From Monday, 10 May 2021 to Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Continuously, only in unavoidable cases in which classes cannot be conducted remotely, such as experiments using on-campus equipment, implementing in-person courses could be possible under an environment where measures are taken for infection prevention.

Concerning how your classes are delivered, please check the information which will be sent you later from your instructors in charge of each course.

If you are not under an environment to take courses remotely at home or if you need to take remote classes on campus to attend in-person class in other subjects, you could use terminals in the available exercise rooms on campus or bring your own laptops to the assigned classroom.

(*During the above period, entering the campus is NOT prohibited.)

If the period is extended due to the situation of the COVID-19, it will be announced separately.

Also, we would like to add that the final examinations from Wednesday, 2 June to Thursday, 8 June will be held in-person while taking measures to prevent infection, in order to ensure a fair exam environment and prevent cheating.

[Contact: Academic Affairs Section, E-mail: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp]