Bui Hoang Anh-Tuan, first year PhD student supervised by Professor PHAM Tuan Anh at the Computer Communications Laboratory, won the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Japan 2018 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. The award ceremony was held on Aug. 28, 2018 during the IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2018-Fall) in Chicago, the USA.
The IEEE VTS(※1) is composed of engineers, scientists, students, and technicians, interested in advancing the theory and practice of electrical engineering as it applies to the areas of Land Transportation, Railroad/Mass Transit, Mobile Communications, Vehicular Electro technology Equipment and Systems Land, Airborne and Maritime Mobile Services .
VTC(※2) is a semi-annual flagship conference of the IEEE VTS, which brought together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideals in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology. The conference featured world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, and technical as well as application sessions . IEEE VTS Japan Chapter, a branch of VTS in Japan(※3), provides two kinds of award, VTS Japan Best Paper Award, and Young Researcher Encouragement Award, to those papers presented in the VTC conferences and recognized as being highly qualified and novel .
Anh-Tuan won the Young Researcher Encouragement Award for his paper entitled "Free Access Distributed Queue Protocol for Massive Cellular-based M2M Communications with Bursty Traffic" presented at the IEEE VTC2018-Fall. This paper deals with one of the most important issues in the implementation of the Internet of Things within the framework of 5G networks: the design of access protocols for massive machine-type devices. The paper is a part of the Kakenhi project 18K11269 sponsored by the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS).
〈Comment from Anh-Tuan〉
"To me, being awarded with the 2018 IEEE Young Researcher's Encouragement Award from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Japan Chapter is a great honor, and a testimony to how diligence can change everything. That is, I submitted my very first Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) paper two years ago in 2016, and was rejected with very low score. By constantly refining that rejected idea, my very next VTC paper in 2018 was accepted with significantly more positive reviews. It should also be emphasized that although the efforts themselves are of great importance, this achievement would not be possible without the excellent guidance, both technically and mentally, from my supervisor - Professor PHAM Tuan Anh, throughout the two years. On this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude and respect to him who has helped me to broaden my vision in almost every way possible."

(※1) IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
(※2) VTC
(※3) VTS in Japan