We will have an International Talk special edition to introduce "Student life in Germany" via Zoom on Friday, July 30th. (Participation is limited to students, faculty and staff of the University.)
Mr. Niklas Urchs and Mr. Sassan Asnaashari, students in our prospective partner university, University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Landshut(※1), will be invited as speakers. They will introduce about Landshut, the region and the university and about their student life in Germany in English! Why don't you learn about their student life studying computer science?
The link to join Zoom will be sent to you by campus email.
For the details of this event, please access the OSIP website, Upcoming events and activities (※2).
For the other topics & news, and Global Lounge, please access the OSIP website (※3)(※4)