In order to let many people know about the University of Aizu (UoA)'s attractiveness and global environment, Ms. KASHIMOTO Kimika (2nd year undergrad) and Ms. NGUYEN Van Nhi (4thu year undergrad) made a video of interviews with UoA senior classmen, and part 5 of the movie is ready for you to watch.

In part 5 of the movie, you can learn about the practical aspects of the UoA through interviews with our senior classmen who told us about their life-changing experiences.

We have prepared subtitles so that many people can understand this movie, so please set the subtitles to "English (United States)" in the "Setting" function of YouTube.



[Part 5] INTERVIEW at the University of Aizu (university senior classmen)

[Part 4] INTERVIEW at the University of Aizu (university senior classmen)

[Part 3] INTERVIEW at the University of Aizu (university senior classmen)

[Part 2] INTERVIEW at the University of Aizu (univ. students & faculty and staff members)

[Part 1] INTERVIEW at the University of Aizu (univ. students & faculty and staff members)

Center for Globalization - University of Aizu

(Publication date: March 3, 2021)