How to displaying signals in the waveform window
- After you click on View Waveforms button in Verilog-XL window
the Waveform window appears.
Figure 1-1 Waveform Window
- In the Waveform window select Windows --> New Design Browser.
The Design Browser window appears.
Figure 1-2 New Design Browser Window
- The Design Browser displays your design hierarchy in a scope tree.
- Click the + button to display the next lower level.
- Click the - button to remove all lower-level hierarchies from the scope tree.
- Displaying Selected Signals
- When you select a scope in the scope tree, the Design Browser displays the signals in the signal tree on the right.
- Select a single object by clicking on it.
- Select contiguous objects by Shift-clicking on the objects.
- Select non-contiguous objects by Control-clicking on the objects.
Figure 1-3 A scope tree in New Design Browser Window
Click the Waveform button to send the objects to the waveform window.
Figure 1-4 Display signals in the waveform window
- Click help in the menu bar of the waveform window you will get more details.