Information Systems and Technology Center
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 [ Install Festa ]

The lecture as commemoration of the conclusion of SUN CENTER OF EXCELLENCE PROGRAM AGREEMENT.

Date & Time Thursday, 28.June.2007(Thu) 15:00(Entrance start 14:30-)
Place the University of Aizu(Access Guide) Auditorium(Campus Map)
   OPEN POSSIBILITIES: the Visions and the Strategies of SUN
          - Including Technologies of SUN and Report of JavaOne 2007 -
Lecturer: Sun Microsystems K.K. Community Project Project Lead, Akihito Fujii
Outline: the lecture is including the visions, the strategies, and the technologies of SUN that is making OPEN a motto for 25 years from establishment, report of JavaOne2007 held in San Francisco in May this year and latest technologies.
Admission Free
Sign up To the email address for the convenience of the material preparation.
Code #0-0-1
Remarks - the lecture is interpreted simultaneously into English though the lecture is performed in Japanese.
 - It presents Sun original mouse pad to the first 250 people.

Install Festa

 Friday, 29.June.2007 (Mainly targets are University students, graduate school students and others)
  Track 1:Solaris/OpenSolaris Seminar
Place the University of Aizu(Access Guide) Research Quadrangles lecture room M14(Campus Map)
10:40 - 12:10 Seminar: What is Solaris? The ABC of the ABC.
Lecturer: OpenSolaris Evangelist Kenji Funasaki
13:10 - 14:40Seminar: Do you know Solaris?
Lecturer: OpenSolaris Evangelist Jim Grisanzio (in english)
14:50 - 16:20Seminar: Latest circumstances of OSes learnt with OpenSolaris.
Lecturer: OpenSolaris Evangelist Hiroaki Nozaki
  Track 2:Java Seminar/Solaris Install Festa
Place the University of Aizu(Access Guide) Research Quadrangles Hardware Workshop 4(Campus Map)
10:40 - 12:10
Seminar: Can't take your eyes off! 
       Three recipes of Java trends for midsummer
Lecturer: Java Evangelist  Masaki Katakai / Hiroaki Nozaki
Lecture: A new wind comes to the relation between Web and Java in 2007. 
There are the recipes that approaches the latest trend in three views.
14:00 - 18:00
OpenSolaris Install Festa
Lecturer: team of OpenSolaris evangelists
There is an experience of installation of OpenSolaris with your PC.(Detail)
      + OpenSolaris Explanation of installation
      + OpenSolaris Workshop
        Explanation to actually use installed environment
      + Fun Event (What kind of company is Sun?)

 Saturday, 30.June.2007 (Mainly Targets are University students, graduate school students and others)
  Track 1:Solaris/OpenSolaris Seminar
Place the University of Aizu(Access Guide) Research Quadrangles lecture room M14(Campus Map)
10:00 - 11:30 Seminar: What is Solaris? The ABC of the ABC.
Lecturer: OpenSolaris Evangelist Kenji Funasaki
13:00 - 14:30Seminar: Do you know Solaris?
Lecturer: OpenSolaris Evangelist Akira Ohsone
15:00 - 16:30Seminar: Let's actually use OpenSolaris.
Lecturer: OpenSolaris Evangelist Kenji Funasaki
  Track 2:Java Seminar/Solaris Install Festa
Place the University of Aizu(Access Guide) Research Quadrangles Hardware Workshop 4(Campus Map)
10:00 - 11:30
Can't take your eyes off! 
       Three recipes of Java trends for midsummer
Lecturer: Java Evangelist  Masaki Katakai / Hiroaki Nozaki
Lecture: A new wind comes to the relation between Web and Java in 2007. 
There are the recipes that approaches the latest trend in three views.
13:00 - 17:00
OpenSolaris Install Festa
Lecturer: team of OpenSolaris evangelists
There is an experience of installation of OpenSolaris with your PC. (Detail)
      + OpenSolaris Explanation of installation
      + OpenSolaris Workshop
        Explanation to actually use installed environment.
      + Fun Event (What kind of company is Sun?)

  1. The participation expense are free both days. (PC is necessary to participate on #1-2-2,#2-2-2 Detail)
  2. sign up to the email address for the convenience of the material preparation.
  3. Track 2 is both days and the same content. Please participate in convenient one.
  4. The school cafeteria is closing in Saturday, 30.June. Please bring lunch. (The school shop is open. information for the school shop)
 Last Updated:2007.06.18
Copylight(C): Infomation Processing Center
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