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Databases in Networked Information Systems
March 24 - 26, 2014 University of Aizu, Japan |
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Proceedings |
Refer to individual manuscripts in the proceedings See INDEX --> 8381 )
The workshop has published its proceedings in the Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Workshop Program (March 24 - 26, 2014)
( at Lecture Hall (LTh) ) |
8:30 - Bus leaves from Washington Hotel for venue (LTh Lecture Hall)
8:30 - 12:00 : Registration (Room M-8)
9:00 - 9:10 : Welcome Address by Prof. S. Sedukhin, Vice-president, University of Aizu
(9:10 - 10:10 : Session 1)
Session Chair - Dr. Ceren Budak,
Microsoft Research, New York, USA,
- Data Exploration in Large Area Time-Domain Sky Surveys
Prof. Thomas Prince , CalTech, USA
Abstract PPT
10:10 - 10:40 Coffee Break (Room M-8)
( 10:40 - 12:10 Session II ) at [ Lecture Hall ]
Session Chair - Shrinivas Kulkarni, Director, Caltech Optical Observatories (Palomar Observatory, California; W. M. Keck Observatory, Mauna Kea, Hawaii and Thirty Meter Telescope project), and MacArthur Professor of Astronomy & Planetary Science
Implementing the Palomar Transient Factory Real-Time Detection
Pipeline in GLADE: Results and Observations
Florin Rusu,
University of California, Merced, USA
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California
Abstract Paper PPT
Astrophysical Image Modeling
Robert M. Quimby
University of Tokyo
Development of eAgromet Prototype to Improve the Performance
of Integrated Agromet Advisory Service
P. Krishna Reddy
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad,
(IIITH), India
Abstract Paper
12:10 - 13:10 Lunch Break: University Cafeteria
(1) Visit Famous Pottery Styles at Aizu Hongo Area-
Aizu Misato-machi Information Center
Aizu Hongo Pottery - (1) Irori (2) Kayano (3) Kanzan (4) Kinooto (5) Gyokuzan (6) Kinpou
(7) Pottery - Suigetsu (8) Sousyun (9) Touraku (10) Chikara (11) Tomizau (12) Houzan
The word 'Wagashi', originally referred to fruits and nuts .
Influenced by the introduction of tea and China's
confectionery, the changes in 'Wagashi' took off during the Edo period
(years 1600 - 1868). Nowadays, Wagashi = Sugar + Fruits and
nuts is now called as. Okashi in modern time.
(Examples: Sakura Mochi (cherry leaf + sweet rice and beans paste), Walnut sweets, Green Tea Cake
18:00 - 19:20 Conference Dinner at Keyaki (2nd floor, Student Hall)
19:00 - 19:30 (last call for Bus to Washington Hotel )
March 25, 2014 [ Tuesday ]
( (LTh - Lecture Hall ) ) |
8:30 - Bus leaves from Washington Hotel
8:30 - 12:30 : Registration (M - 8)
( 8:45- 9:05 Special Talk Session on University of Aizu ) [at LTh]
Speaker - Regent Iwase, University of Aizu
( 9:05 - 10:35 Invited Talk Session III ) [at LTh]
Session Chair - Prof. Thomas Prince
Big Data in Astronomy
S. R. Kulkarni
CalTech, USA and Caltech Optical Observatories
Big Data in Online Social Networks: User Interaction Analysis
to Model User Behaviour in Social Networks
Ceren Budak
Microsoft Research, New York, USA
Abstract Paper PPT
10:35 - 10:55 Coffee Break (Room M-8)
( 10:55 - 11:55 : Session IV )
Session Chairman - Prof. Florin Rusu, University of California, USA
A Dataflow Platform for In-silico Experiments Based on Linked Data
Paolo Bottoni and Miguel Ceriani
University of Rome, Italy
Abstract Paper PPT
Implementing Agent-Based Resource Management in Tsunami
Modeling: Preliminary Considerations
Kensaku Hayashi, Alexander Vazhenin, and Yutaka Watanobe
University of Aizu, Japan
11:55 - 13:00 Lunch Break: University Cafeteria
( 13:00 - 14:15 : Session VI )
Session Chairman - Prof. Nobuyuki Kawai, TIT, Tokyo, Japan
Database of Differential Cross Sections for Hydrogen Ionization
by Proton Impact
Lucas Pichl
International Christian University, Japan
Handling Domain Specific Document Repositories for Application
of Query Languages
Aastha Madaan
University of Aizu, Japan
Kaguya Moon Mission Data Repository: New Query Language Interface
for Locating GIS Objects
Hiroaki Nakamura, Subhash Bhalla, Junya Terazono, and
Wanming Chu
University of Aizu, Japan
14:15 - 14:25 Tea/Coffee Break (Room M-8)
14:25 - 18:00
Sightseeing (Bus Tour)
(Saito Kiyoshi Museum),
(Saito Art Museum (Wikipedia))
(Saito Kiyoshi Museum),
(Saito Art Museum (in Aizu))
(A View of the Museum),
(Saito Art Museum (inside))
[ Visit to
Enzo-ji Buddhist Temple (Yanaizu Town),
(English Link)
(English (WikiPedia))
(Japanese (homepage))
Traditional Japanese Sweets Shop
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner in Dinning Hall
( --> also at Keyaki - Sake Tasting Party :
Aizu area is famous for Sake breweries. )
10 types of Sake from 2 Aizu local breweries would be available.
to understand the depth of different sake depending on its brewing with different raw materials.
One can buy few of these. Aizu Sake Museum Aizu Sake Sake Museum - 2
19:00 - 19:20 (last call for Bus)
Bus to Washington Hotel
March 26, 2014 [ Wednesday ]
( (LTh - Lecture Hall) ) |
8:30 Bus leaves from Washington Hotel
8:30 - 12:00 : Registration (room M-8)
( 8:45 - 9:35 Invited Talk Sessions VII )
Session Chair - Prof. P. Krishna Reddy, IIIT Hyderabad, India
Towards an Intelligent Astronomical Event Broker: Automated
Transient Classification and Follow-up Optimization
Przemek Wozniak
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
9:35 - 9:50 Coffee Break (Room M-8)
( 9:50 - 11:05 Sessions VIII )
Session Chair - Prof. Lukas Pichl
Machine-Learning Enabled Stellar Classification and
the Prediction of Fundamental Atmospheric Parameters
Adam A. Miller
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech, USA
Exploratory Analysis of Light Curves: A Case-Study in Astronomy
Data Understanding
Dhriti Khanna and Vasudha Bhatnagar
University of Delhi, India
Open Data from the Monitor of All-Sky X-ray Image
Nobuyuki Kawai
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
11:05 - 11:20 Coffee Break (Room M-8)
(11:20 - 12:10 Sessions IX )
Session Chair - Prof. Yasuhiko Morimoto, University of Hiroshima, Japan
Knowledge Visualization of Reasoning for Financial Mathematics
with Statistical Theorems
Yukari Shirota (1), Takako Hashimoto (2), and Sakurako Suzuki (3)
(1)(3) Gakushuin University, Tokyo (2) Chiba University of Commerce,
Minimizing Wind Resistance of Vehicles with a Parallel Genetic
Shizuka Takako, Yayoi Takemura, and Lothar M. Schmitt
University of Aizu, Japan
( 11:20 - 12:10 Parallel Session X
(Talks Cancelled due to Abscence of authors) )
A Model of Privacy and Security for Electronic Health Records
Shelly Sachdeva
Jaypee Intitute of Information Technology and University,
NOIDA, India
MARST: Multi-Agent Recommender System for e-Tourism Using
Reputation Based Collaborative Filtering
Punam Bedi, Sumit Kumar Agarwal, Vinita Jindal, and Richa
University of Delhi, India
12:10-13:00 Lunch Break: University Cafeteria
(13:00 - 14:40 Sessions XI )
Session Chair - Prof. Vasudha Bhatnagar, University of Delhi, India (CONCLUDING SESSION)
Efficient Selection of Various k-objects for a Keyword Query
Based on MapReduce Skyline Algorithm
Md. Anisuzzaman Siddique and Yasuhiko Morimoto
Hiroshima University, Japan
Abstract Paper PPT
An Inductive and Semantic Model of Constraints for Master Data
Management under Cloud Computing.
Shinji Kikuchi
NEC, Japan
Search System for City Information Using Multiple Public
Transportation Information Resources
Wanming Chu
University of Aizu, Japan
WISE-CAPS: Overcoming Information Gathering Challenges in Lunar
Surface Exploration
Junya Terazono, Naru Hirata, and Yoshiko Ogawa
University of Aizu, Japan
Registration |
The workshop will take place at University of Aizu. The University of Aizu is in the scenic vicinity of the Bandai-Asahi National Park, and is located in Aizu-Wakamatsu City, the historical capital of the Aizu region of Fukushima Prefecture. It is famous for Tsurugajo Castle, museums, hot-spring and skiing resorts and sake (Japanese rice wine). It is about three hours from Tokyo by train (for travel).
The University of Aizu
Aizu-Wakamatsu City
Fukushima Prefecture, PO 965-8580, Japan
Accomodation |
3- minute walk from Aizu-Wakamatsu Station.
201 Byakko-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, PO 965-0024 (JAPAN)conference
site (University of Aizu) | Aizu-Wakamatsu Eki (train station) | ||
walking | 25 minutes | 5 minutes ( Go straight out from the station area, on main road ahead, cross 2 streets, on the left hand side) | |
taxi or shuttle bus | 10 minutes | - |
Other Hotel Information |
Location - in front of the Aizu train station
URL: Toyoko Inn6. Onyado TOHO
Isiyama-Innai, Higasiyama-machi, Aizuwakamatsu City
Located high in Aizu Higashiyama Onsen hot spring resort, overlooking the town.
http://www.onyado-toho.co.jp/en/(English version)
Enquiries |
Direct any questions to one of the organizers, or to the workshop email address: <DNIS2014@u-aizu.ac.jp>.